1. February 2025

Application for the Friedrichshafen 2025 model ship exhibition

Faszination Modellbau Internationale Leitmesse für Modellbahnen und Modellbau csm Bild Schiffsmodellbau 2019 02 7f9ce230e0 uai

You are a ship modeler, have one or more great models at home and would like to be part of the ship model exhibition at Faszination Modellbau Friedrichshafen?

Then apply! And this is how it works: Simply fill out the online application below, upload pictures of your ship models (total max. 12 MB) and send your application!

Application is possible until September 1, 2025!

After successful application you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt by e-mail!

A final acceptance or rejection will be made by September 30, 2025!

Contact person & organizer:

IGS Heilbronn – Sinsheim
Michael Dilger
70825 Korntal-Münchingen


Questions by e-mail only please.

Moderation cards for the fair:

The moderation card provided here should be downloaded and completed prior to the show here. This moderation card should be brought to the show so that the moderator can announce the models properly. Models from dealers or companies are only possible after consultation with Michael Dilger.

Sample moderation card ship models Faszination Modellbau FriedrichshafenFaszination Modellbau Friedrichshafen Ship Model Moderation Card TemplateTo reduce the size of image files (compress them)
Bewerbung Schiffsmodell-Ausstellung
zur Faszination Modellbau Friedrichshafen 2025

Meldung der Schiffsmodelle

0 / 120

Bedarf Übernachtungen

Bedarf Aussteller- und Parkausweise

0 / 120
Bitte fügen Sie dieser Bewerbung mindestens 2 Bilder, aber maximal 6 Bilder, hinzu!

Achtung, Dateigröße je Bild maximal 2 MB! Sonst ist das senden der Bewerbung nicht möglich!

 Bilder hochladen!
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Falls die Bewerbung nicht gesendet wird (dauerhaft drehender Kreis), ist die Dateigröße aller Ihrer Bilder zu groß! Max. 12 MB!